Week Two
My second week was May 14th, 16th and
17th and since I was done inventorying the Development Office, Coach
Hill now wanted me to start inventorying all the basketball equipment and
uniforms for the basketball program. When I meet with Coach Hill on the
14th he introduce me to his graduate assistant J.M. and told me J.M.
would show me everything I needed to inventory. I was told I would be taking
inventory of everything that was in their cage and locker room. J.M. took me
down to the cage and showed me where I would be working and explained in general
how they would like the uniforms and equipment separated and stored and left me
alone to begin. 
The first day in the cage was somewhat overwhelming, since there were so
many different types of uniform’s and clothes. So the first thing I did was to
pull everything out and started separating it, to get everything that was the
same together. Then it was counting and separating everything by number and
sizes. Though it’s very easy to count and organize things but it became a little  boring and tedious and it was taking longer than what I expected. The second  day before I could get started back on the cage, Coach Hill told me we had to  go out to the baseball complex and get some advertisement’s signs for the  upcoming golf tournament. So, I followed Coach Hill out to the baseball complex  were we meet up with Coach Rammel, one of the baseball coaches, and got all  signs we could find. We went back to the gym and unrolled the signs and  separated them by size and took pictures of them so we knew what we had for the  golf tournament.  We grouped them  by the ones they were going to be using and not using and put them in the locker room. Coach Hill told me to continue to work on the cage inventory for the rest
of the day. The last day of this week was spent entirely on the cage and I got quite a bit done and hopefully the cage will take me one more day and then I can get started on the locker room.

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