Week 3
May 21st, 22nd and 23rd were the days I  worked my third week. This third week started off the same the way the second  week ended with the cage inventory. I must say this internship has been quite
easy so far but it has not been exactly what I expected. Now to be honest I was
not sure what to expect but I thought I might see them recruit players or help
current players with off-season work-outs. These things have not happened yet
and may not but I will keep pushing through and make the best of the situation
and learn as much as possible.

Now, back to my activities of the third week, as I wrote before my first
day was spent finishing the cage inventory. After finishing the cage inventory,
I labeled all the boxes and totes with numbers so when I make the list of the inventory it will be easier to find. When I was done labeling all the totes and boxes I organized the cage so all the numbers on the boxes were facing out for easy recognition. This took all of the first day but the cage is done, so look out locker room your next. Tuesday the 22nd I started on the locker  room. First J.M. came down and told me everything that needed to be counted and  how to title everything, so we all were on the same page. As he was explaining  to me, I thought I should be done fairly quickly and might actually get leave  early but I was wrong. The locker room took me all day but I did finish it that  day. With the inventory of the cage and locker room done, now it was time type  everything up in excel and give it to Coach Hill. Figuring out the right format,
so it was easy to follow took some time but I figured it out. I was not able to
get the entire inventory all typed up on the 23rd, so it will be
finished the next day I’m here. Coach Hill will be going on vacation for a week
and a half so I will not be returning to the internship till the 4th
of June. I must say it will be nice to get my own mini-vacation even though I  still have to work my normal job but it will still be nice. 

Week Two
My second week was May 14th, 16th and
17th and since I was done inventorying the Development Office, Coach
Hill now wanted me to start inventorying all the basketball equipment and
uniforms for the basketball program. When I meet with Coach Hill on the
14th he introduce me to his graduate assistant J.M. and told me J.M.
would show me everything I needed to inventory. I was told I would be taking
inventory of everything that was in their cage and locker room. J.M. took me
down to the cage and showed me where I would be working and explained in general
how they would like the uniforms and equipment separated and stored and left me
alone to begin. 
The first day in the cage was somewhat overwhelming, since there were so
many different types of uniform’s and clothes. So the first thing I did was to
pull everything out and started separating it, to get everything that was the
same together. Then it was counting and separating everything by number and
sizes. Though it’s very easy to count and organize things but it became a little  boring and tedious and it was taking longer than what I expected. The second  day before I could get started back on the cage, Coach Hill told me we had to  go out to the baseball complex and get some advertisement’s signs for the  upcoming golf tournament. So, I followed Coach Hill out to the baseball complex  were we meet up with Coach Rammel, one of the baseball coaches, and got all  signs we could find. We went back to the gym and unrolled the signs and  separated them by size and took pictures of them so we knew what we had for the  golf tournament.  We grouped them  by the ones they were going to be using and not using and put them in the locker room. Coach Hill told me to continue to work on the cage inventory for the rest
of the day. The last day of this week was spent entirely on the cage and I got quite a bit done and hopefully the cage will take me one more day and then I can get started on the locker room.


Week One
The first week of my internship was May 8th, 9th
and 10th. Just like with starting a new job I was nervous and wanting
to make a good impression. Coach Hill had me meet him at his office in the
Development Office. When I got to his office he went over some things he wanted
me to do throughout my internship and the expectations he had for me this
summer.  The first thing he wanted  me to do was inventory all the athletic stuff in the Development Office. 
The first thing I inventoried was dragon pride t-shirts. These t-shirts
were in three different boxes and the sizes were all mixed up. So I separated
and counted the t-shirts by size and put them in totes by the size so they would
be easier to find. With over one hundred and fifty t-shirts it took all five
hours to complete the inventory of the t-shirts. The second day was more of the
same; I inventoried multiple things such as: dragon pride cups, golf shoe bags,
pull overs and even some Adidas running shoes. These were just a few things I
inventoried and I must say there were plenty of things to count and it took me
all day. The third and final day of the week, I organized the back room in the
development center so all the stuff I inventoried ad labeled could be easily
gotten to. Then I typed out an inventory list of everything I inventoried and
gave it to Coach Hill. The first week was less painful then I thought and I hope
things continue to go well and I get to expand my role in the following